The Mobile Burn Unit (MBU), which began its inaugural provincial tour in April 2010, is a complete standalone live fire trainer with fixed internal burn pads, external and internal mobile burn pads and rollover capability. The first of its kind in Atlantic Canada, this 53 foot unit is equipped with a second storey, interior and exterior stairways and a roof vent simulation unit.
Firefighters are challenged by the seven movable walls and forcible entry simulator that allow for multiple configurations making each run a new learning experience. In addition, the integrated smoke system allows for rapid black-out conditions, further challenging firefighters’ search skills.
To date, the MBU traveled over 30,000 kms, and trained almost 8,000 firefighters. Dates are already being booked for 2018, so don't miss out on your opportunity for this unique training. All of our MBU courses can be tailored to your department's specific needs. We encourage you to contact us to inquire about what training best suits you! `
In order to have a successful training session using the Nova Scotia Firefighters School's Mobile Burn Unit, the following items must be present:
Host Department/Area Expectations:
To participate in live fire training evolutions in the Mobile Burn Unit, students must meet the requirements of NFPA 1403 (Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions). NFPA 1403 states that before participating in live fire training evolutions students must have previously taken the following subjects as per NFPA 1001:
1. Safety
2. Fire Behaviour
3. Portable Extinguishers
4. Personal protective equipment
5. Ladders
6. Fire hose, appliances and streams
7. Overhaul
8. Water Supply
9. Ventilation
10. Forcible Entry
To maximize training benefit and to ensure the safety of students and staff, please ensure these criteria are met. Students who do not meet this criteria will be refused training.
401 MBU Half Day Live Fire Training
402 MBU Full Day Live Fire Training
404 MBU Ventilation Techniques
406 MBU Half Day Live Fire Evolutions
407 MBU Full Day Live Fire Evolutions
408 MBU Fire Control
409 MBU PPE Search
410 MBU Industrial Live Fire Refresher
412 MBU Industrial Live Fire Training
413 MBU Full Day Live Fire Training Evolutions
Section added soon
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